Facing Our Insecurities in Leadership (Video)

 In Pei Blog

What does it take to let others see our weaknesses and ask for help, even when it’s uncomfortable?  To “share space” with talented people without feeling threatened by them?

Leadership is full of challenges and demands that often reveal our insecurities.  We all make mistakes, fail, and doubt ourselves.  Fortunately, these challenges are also opportunities to learn and grow in our leadership!  Below is a video of a talk I recently gave at our ministry’s national leadership conference.  It covers the following topics:

  • How does our security as leaders impact everything (our work, relationships, and results)?
  • What does secure and insecure leadership look like?
  • What is the theological foundation for secure leadership?
  • How can we grow in security?  What are some practical skills we can learn and practice?

I hope you enjoy this talk, and let me know what you think!

Building a Strong House: Security & Integrity in Leadership from Adrian Pei on Vimeo.

(Note: “MPD” = ministry partner development, or financial/spiritual support raising)

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